Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We just returned from the Global Media Outreach Summit in Chicago, and we are overjoyed to see how the Spirit is moving! About 140 GMO supporters, volunteers and staff gathered from across the nation to hear how God is using GMO and to brainstorm ways that we together can give everyone on earth multiple opportunities to accept Jesus Christ by 2020.

Those who attended GMO’s conference last March were astounded by the surge in online activity, which has almost doubled in the last six months. Also since then, the “Always Ready” Church-Partnership Program began. This program, which allows a church or organization to “own” a community in the GMO program, will be one of my major projects as we seek to establish the Mid-Atlantic Region outreach. With this program, a church or organization can preach the Gospel to 100,000 people each year, seeing 15,000 indicated decisions for Christ, and begin follow-up discipleship with 3,000 to 5,000. The church or organization supplies 25 volunteers to disciple as Online Missionaries and $400 per missionary (or $10,000 per year) for evangelism. This program energizes the churches it touches, getting congregants excited about sharing their faith! One church in Florida has eight communities and plans to add four more by the end of the year. The pastors of partner churches rave about the transformational affect it has on their congregations.
What doubly excites us is that we got to meet with others who will promote the “Always Ready” program. At the time of inception this July, only a small group in Houston worked on it. On Friday night, staff and volunteers from California, Florida, Minnesota and Pennsylvania joined those from Texas, ready to deliver this program to their areas. This program has taken off!

Also, we learned more about how technology will be used to reach the ends of the earth within the next six years. Telecommunication companies are distributing video- and internet-capable cell phones to billions of people, while launching satellites to connect them all – then charging a small but reasonable amount per month, a very profitable enterprise. They are developing technology so the cell phones are run by solar power (just like your calculator).

A further bit of technology is software that will translate written or spoken words to another language in real time. GMO sites and videos will soon be automatically translated into the languages of users all over the world! The necessary technology exists, and through GMO, the information about the saving grace of Jesus Christ will be available to everyone in the world!

Here are the prayer requests that I would ask you to be diligent in bringing before God:
· The Spirit to guide and go before us in our every action. This project is much bigger than anything I could ever dream or imagine. It will be done by the power of the Spirit; we are simply Its instruments!
· Raise the $30,000 needed to open the office. This can be upfront or one-time gifts, pledges for the first year and/or church partnerships.
o A couple from LCBC who attended the conference is excited to help bring this program to the area. We meet with their missions pastor Nov. 26.
o We are contemplating a breakfast gathering to discuss the vision to potential connectors and donors in the area.
· Networks to the right people, churches and organizations that will catch this vision and join us in reaching the world.

Well, that is all for now. As you can tell, we are on a spiritual high from the conference. I would recommend that anyone who wants to really get the feel for GMO to plan to attend the next conference in Houston March 5 and 6, 2010.

Serving with you to give everyone on earth multiple opportunities to accept Christ,

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