Saturday, March 13, 2010

Celebrate Internet Evangelism Day!






Celebrate Internet Evangelism Day - Sunday, April 25 

Have you been looking for an opportunity to share your experience as an online missionary with your church? Internet Evangelism Day is the perfect time. Sharing in the vision of IE Day, GMO has resources you can use to introduce an online missions program to your church. Send an email to to get your Always Ready online missions kit to share with your church! Find out more about the program at

Looking for more things you can do? Through one of our 102 Web sites,, GMO freely offers a wide range of information available for Christians and churches to share Jesus online. With articles and Gospel widgets for blogs, Facebook pages or other social networking sites, GMO makes it easy for all people to share the Gospel and participate in IE Day. - Becoming a $1/Day Online Missionary

As we finished up 2009 and began 2010, GMO has been exploring various ideas for generating support to share the gospel – everything from fundraising events, peer to peer support programs (for example, the Global Good News Walk conducted with some of our Community Leaders and Online Missionaries) and, of course, the church online missions program Always Ready. You may also have received several emails or letters asking for your financial support. These were all designed to support our 2010 goals to see 15 million people come to Christ.

We are about to begin another test to see if incoming English language Online Missionaries might be interested in considering becoming $1/Day Online Missionaries as an optional part of the program. As we introduce churches to the online missions program and participate in regional missions conferences, we will be sending those Online Missionary applicants to On that website, the potential Online Missionaries are asked to consider participating as a $1/Day Online Missionary by committing to give $1/Day ($30/Month or $360 year) before applying to become an Online Missionary. This consideration is not required, it is optional as part of the program. Any current Online Missionary is able to become a $1/Day Missionary, but again, is not required to do so.

We will still have (which is now part of GMO’s ministry website But we have added text to give those applying the opportunity to donate as well.

But I thought the Internet was free. Why are we doing this?
It costs GMO 10 cents to present the gospel to someone and follow them up.  This is an amazingly low cost to reach people for Christ and covers all costs, including advertising on the Internet, servers, staff, the response system, office costs, internet security, and all technology.  By God’s grace we are seeing great fruitfulness.  For each 30 people who come to one of our gospel presentations online, an average of about 5 will indicate they prayed to receive Christ (one out of 6); and one of those 5 will ask for follow-up email.  

These 30 people cost us 10 cents each, for a total of $3, and for each 30 people 5 people indicate a decision and one emails us, so to generate one new email for us to answer costs an average of about $3.  So here is the issue:  someone needs to contribute that $3.

Where does the money go?

 Before the end of 2009, we had a sharp DECREASE in the number of contacts available through our websites. Normally we see 300,000 people a day coming to one of our evangelistic websites. On some days in December, we didn't even see 75,000 people come to the sites. Why the difference? We stopped inviting people to come. Our invitations (Google Ads) cost 10 cents each and at the time we had used up all the money that people had donated. We do not save up the money donated. Each month, that money goes back out to share the gospel, so however many dollars we receive during the month, we provide 10 gospel presentations for each of those dollars.

Some of our donors are not online missionaries yet. Many are. But we want to make sure each Online Missionary understands the cost of bringing the emails in and has the opportunity to support that financially, as well as through giving their time to respond to the people who come through the websites. Again, no Online Missionary is required to provide financial support to participate in the OM ministry, we just want to provide as many opportunities as possible to share the gospel online with those all around the world.


Dan Pierson,

GMO Director of Response Centers




About this newsletter

You are receiving this newsletter because you are an Online Missionary with Global Media Outreach. We will send these newsletters occasionally with tips and articles of interest to enhance your volunteer experience. Please send us any suggestions for articles or a story you’d like to share!


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If you didn't already know, GMO is also on Facebook and Twitter!

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Do you have friends who might be interested in becoming a $1/Day Online Missionary?

Tell them to go to to find out more and apply.










About Global Media Outreach

Global Media Outreach wants to reach the world for Jesus! With a highly personalized approach, seekers from all over the world experience Christ through evangelistic websites, personalized response from volunteers and ongoing discipleship programs. These websites present the gospel in over 100 languages. For more information about the ministry, go to










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